Serving Indiana Since 1993

Interior Crack Injections

Showing interior cracks that have never been repaired would be too easy. Let’s dive into the more challenging crack repairs, the previous homeowner’s DIY repair.

We chose this particular crack repair because this was attempted at least two different times.

The first time the crack was repaired with an old school technique that required chiseling the crack out and filling it with a product similar to hydraulic cement. The second attempt was a newer technique with a flexible fix in a can. In the end, both repairs were unsuccessful.

  1. Scrape off the spray can materials on the wall to access the first repair.
  2. Chisel/drill out the old repair in the Indianapolis foundation wall. This step requires us to find the original crack within the Indianapolis foundation wall.
  3. Embed injection ports into the voids in the wall. Fill in chipped out voids with a quick set hardener and cover the crack with the epoxy patch. Additional epoxy will be needed around the ports and filled in the voids.
  4. Inject crack from bottom to top, from inside and outside of the foundation.

Many problems can be prevented by taking simple precautions while others may require a more complicated approach. If you are experiencing difficulty resolving a foundation, basement, Indianapolis crawlspace or a drainage issue, contact your friends at Americrawl today.


Published: 13 March 2019